Scarborough and Ryedale are our busiest areas for referrals to our Nightstop and Supported Lodgings service.
The team is based at our office in Scarborough town centre and between them they have over 40 years of experience supporting young people.
The team is made up of:
- Anne Unsworth, Lead Practitioner
- Nicky Olsson, Placement Coordinator
To achieve the best outcomes possible for each young person, the team work closely with local housing support agencies, health providers, young people and adult services. They aspire to make a difference to young people’s futures through collaboration with local education providers, Coast Tuition, Future Works, and move on accommodation providers.
All referrals in Scarborough & Ryedale are made through the Young People’s Housing Solutions at The Hub.
The team looks after around 23 hosts and up to 25 young people at any one time, including some of our Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People. At our busiest times, we will have daily referrals seeking Nightstop emergency accommodation for young people in the Scarborough/Ryedale area. Young people are also referred frequently for supported lodgings and we consider their needs carefully alongside risk assessments when matching them with our hosts.
Our Scarborough and Ryedale hosts live in towns across the counties including Scarborough, Whitby, Malton, Filey and Pickering, as well as in small villages in more rural areas.