Introducing The SASH Co-production Group

Introducing The SASH Co-production Group

Sep 10, 2024

Introducing The SASH Co-production Group

At the end of August we held the first SASH Co-production group, led by Philippa, our CEO, and Kayti, our Relationships Coordinator.

“The co-production group was created to provide our SASH young people with the opportunity to have a voice in relation to the services they receive. The group will be responsible for representing all SASH young people across the service using their lived experience. They will have the opportunity to feedback to the board of trustees as well as coming together to discuss everything SASH, sharing their thoughts, ideas and concerns and helping to shape the service to better suit them and their peers. The young people described the group as “young people working with SASH to make the service better”.

We hope the group will provide meaningful involvement from our young people for the continuous improvement of SASH for current and future young people in service.

The first meeting was very successful, and several young people attended. They were very insightful, using their experiences to highlight areas they would like to discuss and develop further. One of the biggest topics discussed was a young person’s experience when they first arrive in service. Young people shared that the experience can be very stressful and scary and that often they have very little of their own which can make settling into a new space quite impersonal.

After discussing this our young people decided they wanted to create some welcome bags for new young people coming into service, so that they have something of their own to offer comfort during the first few weeks of their placement. The young people will begin designing the bags during the next session.” – Kayti, Relationships Coordinator

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