Quality Standards & Policies

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Please complete and submit the form below. We encourage everyone who raises a concern with us to give us their contact details. Sharing your information with us is important as it means we can notify you of the outcome.

For more information about how SASH processes your personal information see our privacy notices.

Please give as much detail as you can.
Please be aware that the data you provide will be shared with our partner agency, The Hinge.

SASH Quality Policy Statement

We believe that the service we offer has a positive and lasting impact on the lives of young people we work with, and the communities in which we work.
We operate to a high standard and strive to maintain these high standards across all areas of working. However we also recognise there is always room for improvement; whether in its governance, management, operations or service delivery.
We are therefore committing to a formal quality assurance process, which will be ongoing and take effect across the organisation as a whole. We believe it will:

  • improve outcomes for young people who use or come into contact with our service
  • improve planning, governance, leadership and accountability
  • increase ‘job satisfaction’ for volunteers and staff
  • drive up standards by agreeing and developing consistent practice across all areas of service delivery and the organisation as a whole
  • improve effectiveness and efficiency and make best use of funds
  • bring people together in a positive way to identify areas for improvement and learn from each other
  • empower young people, volunteers and staff to make positive changes to the service
  • improve the culture of the organisation by encouraging learning and creative thinking, the sharing of good practice and a focus on solutions, quality and outcomes
  • increase our credibility and recognition as an organisation by showing our stakeholders – including funders and volunteers – that we have a nationally accredited quality mark


View our Safeguarding Children, Young People & Adults at Risk Policy

Complaints Policy

View our Complaints Policy

Privacy Notices

View our Privacy Notices here

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For more information about how SASH processes your personal information see our privacy notices.

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