If you need help tonight:
North Yorkshire
If you are aged 16 to 25, you can get support and advice about housing at North Yorkshire Council housing hubs for young people. They can help with finding out about benefits, how to find accommodation and what to do if you are at risk of becoming homeless. Staff in the hubs are able to refer into SASH Nightstop emergency accommodation.
You can find out more about the hubs here: https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/housing-and-homelessness/homelessness/housing-advice-young-people
There are 7 districts in North Yorkshire who are able to support young people through the hubs in the following areas: Craven, Hambleton, Harrogate, Richmondshire, Ryedale, Scarborough & Selby.
If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness you can visit the local area housing hubs or call 0300 131 2131. To get through to the appropriate service and district area you will need to describe the service you need in 3 words. For example, if you say “homeless in Malton” you will be put through to the housing office in that area. You can also make contact through the online service https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/lookuparea?target=/housing-and-homelessness/homelessness/homeless-or-risk-becoming-homeless
If you need to talk to someone about emergency accommodation out of office hours, you should contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 131 2131.
If you are in York and are 16-17:
Contact Youth Homeless Support workers at City of York Council on 01904 553585 or individual staff members as below. Fine to text or email.
- Fiona on mobile: 07891 853498
- Lexi on mobile: 07733 290597
- You can also contact them on email: youthhomeless@york.gov.uk.
If you are in York and are 18 or over:
Contact CYC Housing Options team on 01904 554500 or email: housing.options@york.gov.uk
If you are a student at York College, you can make contact with the college wellbeing service there who can make referrals for emergency accommodation with us on the day. https://www.yorkcollege.ac.uk/student-life/student-support/mental-health-wellbeing-service
If you need to talk to someone about emergency accommodation out of office hours, you should contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 131 2131