“It turns you into a better person” I’m 17 I’ve been in SASH about nine months. I couldn’t live at home, because my whole family, we all just argued. I left home at 16. I was homeless for about four or five days, sofa-surfing. I found somewhere else to stay, but it wasn’t suitable and …

Feedback from a Nightstopper: Jade* was referred to our Nightstop service and stayed with some of our hosts. We were delighted to receive this letter from her a few months later, when she had moved to somewhere permanent: “When I became homeless, I didn’t trust anyone or anything. I didn’t know what would happen to …

“My mum kicked me out when I was 18. The next day I went to the Hinge Centre in Bridlington. I didn’t know it was here, I just googled how to get help. They put me in Nightstop for a couple of days. Then I was offered a room in a hostel. I was there …

“My mum died when I was 10. I was born in Scarborough, my mum was Scottish. My dad left when I was two. We weren’t well off, it wasn’t the most financially stable of families. We moved around a lot. But she was great mum, she taught me to look after people, to look after …

“I had a fall-out with my family and left home when I was 16. I’m 20, I’ve been in SASH for about 2 years. When I was younger I was a bit of a troublemaker, I was very short-tempered. I was permanently excluded from school in Year 9. I had a fall-out with my family …

“If I hadn’t come into SASH I don’t think I’d be doing very well if I’m honest. It’s helped me so much. I was living at a hostel in York. It wasn’t a great place to be, but it was a roof over my head. I needed somewhere stable to live without other people where …

“When I had to leave my home, I was really excited about SASH because I felt it had a lot of potential. It meant that I could only blame myself if I didn’t succeed. If I was at home and I failed, I could always blame it on the situation I was in. I wasn’t …

“I’m 17. My mum left when I was two. Me and my dad never got on. We were arguing all the time and I kept running away. I never wanted to be in the house, I hated it. I felt happier outside, staying in tents, away from my dad. When I was 14 I …

“I left home at 16. I was living with my dad, but I felt like where I was I couldn’t be myself. I just wanted to go out and work and get on with life. I thought if I was on my own I’d have more independence. I rented a house with a friend but …