“I came into SASH when I was 16. Social services had been involved at home for a while and things weren’t getting any better.
School finally stepped in as it was starting to affect my studies and mental health. I wasn’t ready for my own flat, I needed more support and the extra push to focus on school, so I was referred to SASH.
I remember my first night in Supported Lodgings with my hosts. Eating fish and chips in my new home, feeling welcome and safe. It was so nice to just be in a family home so different to my own. Having someone to talk to and people who could recognise when I was wasn’t feeling my best. My host’s taught me that there was still hope and that things happen for a reason.
I stayed in Supported Lodgings for over 2 years. I am now living with my boyfriend and plan to go to University next year. I still see my hosts, they are my safety net. I even have my own coffee mug at their house for when I visit. They are the best people ever.
I can’t imagine what it must be like for young people who are going through what I did but are in Lockdown. Not having anywhere to go to vent, no space to think, not being able to escape it all by visiting friends. It must be so lonely.
My advice to any young person going through this would be to keep your head up.
Things will get better. There are people out there who want to help, you are not alone.”
Nearly half of the young people who come to SASH facing homelessness, do so because of family breakdown. Right now, there are young people in our community living in unstable family circumstances, surrounded by abuse – all they have to look forward to, is the dread of being kicked out of their family home or making the impossible decision to flee a toxic environment.
With your help, we can make sure that they have a safe home and a bright future. Coronavirus has created a significant drop in our income. We need to make sure that we are there for young people like Heather with our lifeline emergency accommodation service. If you want to be part of the solution to youth homelessness in our community and help create bright futures please donate today and help us be there for young people in need like Heather*.
*Not her real name, to protect privacy.