Craven, Harrogate, Selby & York

The team in Craven, Harrogate, Selby and York is led by Nick Tilney, York Project Manager.

The rest of the team is made up of:

  • Liz Roberts, Placement Coordinator for Harrogate, Selby and York
  • Carla Smith, Placement Coordinator for York
  • Rebecca van der Arend, Placement Coordinator for York

Between them, the team looks after up to 30 young people and around 25 hosts at any one time, including some of our Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children. Most of the referrals for this area are made via the Housing Options, Children’s Social Care and the Salvation Army.

To provide the best support possible to the young people they are helping, the team works closely with: Askham Bryan College, Harrogate College, Selby College, York College and other 6th form providers; York Learning, YH Training and the Prince’s Trust; mental health services; Social Services, Pathway Leaving Care Team; Job Centre Plus; substance misuse support services and health and dental care services.

Our hosts in this area live mostly in Harrogate, Selby and York.


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