East Riding

Our services in the East Riding are managed by our Project Manager Nick Tilney. The Hosts and Young People in Supported Lodgings placements are supported by Caroline Andrews and young people using the Homeless Prevention Service are supported by Chloe Lamb, though there can be some crossover with staff in this area.

Currently, funding for young people aged 18+ is mostly provided by a grant from The National Lottery Fund. This enables us to support young people who are homeless, or who are living in precarious housing situations, with a more intensive package of support than the local authority housing teams are able to offer. We not only help young people to find and apply for accommodation, we can also support them to develop a budget and set up bill payments, manage and complete benefit claims, source furniture, advocate with landlords and other agencies and complete ongoing tenancy health checks.

Those aged 16 and 17 are also eligible for our Resettlement Service but any accommodation support is funded through Children’s Social Care.


Map of East Riding of Yorkshire


David's Story

"I was on the streets. There were several nights when I slept rough or didn’t sleep at all and just wandered the streets at night."

Read David's story

#NoMoreKnives - Knife awareness with SASH Active

“I used to carry knives with me all the time, because of things that have happened to me...today has boosted my awareness of why I shouldn’t.” Kez, 16

Read more

Want to refer a young person for support?

Contact Nick on nick.tilney@sash-uk.org.uk to refer a young person for resettlement support.

Stable & secure

In 2019-20 we supported 75 young people with resettlement advice. Of those who we supported into accommodation that we stayed in touch with, 98% were still in stable & secure accommodation 6 months later.

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Lottery FundedLiving Wage EmployerioF Yorkshire Campaign of the year WINNERS 2020 graphic